Hodoki Laboratory
Dept. of Environmental Biology, College of Bioscience and Biotechnology,Chubu University
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Last updated on 4 February 2025
/*Two of our papers are out.*/
Hodoki Y, Goda Y, Akatsuka T & Sugiyama M (2024) Utilization of an electric fishing reel for water and sediment sampling in deep lakes. Annual report of Research Institute for Biological Function, 24:18-24. (English with Japanese abstract) Link
(程木義邦・合田幸子・赤塚徹志・杉山雅人(2024)釣り用の電動リールを用いた深い湖の深層水と堆積物のサンプリング。中部大学生物機能開発研究所、生物機能開発研究所紀要 24:18-24.)
Ohbayashi K, Ishikawa N, Takehara N, Kurosawa H, Hodoki Y (2024) Development and characterization of expressed sequence tag-simple sequence repeat markers for the near-threatened halophyte, Limonium tetragonum (Thunb.) A. A. Bullock (Plumbaginaceae). Gene &Genetic Systems, 99:24-00093. Link: DOI:https://doi.org/10.1266/ggs.24-00093
●筆頭著者の論文が日本陸水学会英文誌でLimonology Excellent Paper Award 2022を受賞しました.
下記の論文が、日本陸水学会の英文誌Limnology で最優秀論文(Limnology Excellent Paper Award)に選ばれました。
Hodoki Y, Koitabashi T, Goda Y, Akatsuka T, Nakano S (2020) Long‑term variation in abundance of the non‑native phytoplankton Micrasterias hardyi (Zygnematophyceae, Streptophyta) in Lake Biwa, Japan. Limnology 21 (1): 67-72. LINK